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828MkII USB inneholder alt du trenger for å gjøre datamaskinen din Mac eller PC til en kraftig 24-bits, 96 kHz digital arbeidsstasjon for lyd. På denne prisen, vil ikke de vare lenge!
Produktreferanse: 3520
With simple plug-and-play operation via high-speed USB 2.0, the 828mkII provides 20 inputs and 22 outputs, including 10 channels of pristine 96kHz analog recording and playback, combined with 8 channels of ADAT digital I/O and stereo S/PDIF. Expand your system by connecting additional interfaces.
The 828mkII is equally well-suited for studio and stage, with or without a computer. As a computer interface, the 828mkII provides 20 separate inputs and 22 outputs, including separate main outs and headphone out. The two mic/guitar/instrument inputs feature analog, pre-amplified sends which allow you to insert your favorite outboard EQ, compressor, guitar amp, reverb or other effects processor before the signal goes digital. Use any input as a return.
You can add additional send/return loops using the 828mkIIs new CueMix DSP� on-board mixing feature, a flexible DSP-driven 20-input/8-bus mixing and monitoring matrix that eliminates the need for an external mixer or patchbay. Connect all of your studio gear, including microphones, guitars, synths, keyboards, drum machines and even effects processors. Then monitor all of these live inputs via the 828mkII
s main outs, headphone jack or any other output � with virtually no monitoring latency and no processor drain on your computer. You can even create separate monitor mixes for the main outs, headphones and other outputs. Control everything from the included CueMix Console� software or directly from the 828mkII`s front-panel.
Need to hit the road? The 828mkII operates as a stand-alone mixer, with no computer required. Need to tweak your mix? Do it on the spot with the 828mII`s backlit LCD and front-panel controls. Every 828mkII setting can be accessed from the front panel.
Back in the studio, 8 channels of ADAT optical digital I/O, plus stereo S/PDIF, make the 828mkII an ideal companion for a digital mixer. All digital I/O connections support standard sample rates up to 96kHz.
The 828mkII includes 16-channels of MIDI input and output via its hi-speed USB 2.0 connection to the computer. Simply plug in your USB cable, and both MIDI and audio are ready to go. Connect any MIDI device, such as a controller keyboard, synth module, automated control surface or drum machine. Timing is sample-accurate with supporting software.
Two different models of the 828mkII are now available: FireWire and high-speed USB 2.0. They are identical, except for their connection to the computer. This USB 2.0 model can be connected to any USB 2.0-equipped Mac or PC. The 828mkII provides cross-platform compatibility with Mac OS X (version 10.2 or later), Windows XP and all of your favorite audio software and host-based effects via WDM/ASIO/GSIF/Core Audio drivers. Or you can use the included AudioDesk workstation software for Macintosh, with 24-bit recording/editing and 32-bit mixing/processing/mastering.
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